02/12/2023 - "New Philadelphia was the first known town planned and legally registered by an African American before the Civil War. Frank McWorter, a formerly enslaved man from Kentucky, founded the town in 1836 and bought his freedom and the freedom of 15 family members. The rural community situated near the...
02/12/2023 - Unit Affiliated Graduate student Adrian Wong has been awarded a Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowships. "He will travel to the greater Santiago Metropolitan Region to study the development of digital infrastructure in Chile amid the context of social and...
02/12/2023 - David Wilson (Geography and GGIS, Urban Planning, Unit for Criticism) was recently made a lifetime Association of American Geographers (AAG) Fellow for his contributions to critical urban studies. His research focuses on the class and racial production of disadvantaged and elite spaces, emergent...
02/03/2023 - Tim Ingold is a renowned anthropologist whose work has examined the relationship between the material and the social in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, art, and architecture. A phenomenologist, Ingold sees humans as beings that move through and sense a world that is itself also moving. In...
01/30/2023 - Kaja Silverman (University of Pennsylvania Sachs Professor of Art History) has been an important theorist of visuality for the past four decades. In 2011 she was given the Mellon Distinguished Achievement Award by the Mellon Foundation in recognition of her outstanding contributions to scholarship...
01/26/2023 - Dr. Geraldine Heng delivered the Krouse Family Visiting Scholar in Judaism and Western Culture Lecture, titled "Race Before the Modern Era: 'Presentism,' 'Intersectionality,' and the Politics of Keywords." Professor Heng's visit was co-sponsored by the Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory,...
01/02/2023 - A book manuscript workshop was held for Karen Flynn’s Black Pacific: The African Diaspora in East Asia. The book is an interdisciplinary ethnographic examination of the mobility of English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers of African descent from Canada, the United States, Britain and the...
09/21/2022 - Graduate student Unit affiliate Debayudh Chatterjee attended a recent screening of Suman Mukhopadhyay's latest film Nazarband (Captive/2020). Interestingly, the film's screenplay was co-written by Unit affiliated Faculty Anustup Basu (English). To read Deb's fascinating review, visit the...
02/08/2022 - Roderick Ferguson (Yale), Mishuana Goeman (UCLA), Viet Thanh Nguyen (USC), and Alfonso Gonzales Toribio (UCR) reflect on racism and anti-racist politics today.
02/07/2022 - History Professors David Sepkoski (UIUC) and Mark Borello (Minnesota) recently co-wrote “Ideology as Biology” for The New York Review, in which they challenge the late...
01/20/2022 - Professor Brett Ashley Kaplan (Comp. & World Lit) interviews interdisciplinary performance artist Deke Weaver whose lifelong project has been the creation of a multimedia ...
11/18/2021 - Using a survey of faculty specializations we conducted this spring, we have for the first time created a map of contemporary theory at UIUC. The results show that our 112 affiliates work in 10 colleges and 42 departments across campus. The top five theoretical subfields are race/gender/indigeneity...
10/14/2021 - Awarded by the National Women's Studies Association, the Gloria E. Anzaldúa Book Prize recognizes groundbreaking monographs in women's studies that makes significant multicultural feminist contributions to women of color/transnational scholarship. Moussawi was awarded for his book, ...
09/21/2021 - Unit affiliate faculty, Leslie Reagan (History) was recently featured on the Ezra Klein Show podcast and BBC-Radio World News to discuss the history of abortion in the US and the Texas abortion ban. Reagan, who is author of ...
06/21/2021 - "There are so many ways we can be displaced--shut out--including by the very appearance of an open door or a welcome. That door can be shut at any point to stop us getting in or that door can be shut because we get in." Sara Ahmed discusses complaints in her talk titled, "Knocking on the Door:...