Video Collections

Tim Ingold (Social Anthropology, Aberdeen) | Spring Symposium 2023
Rubén A. Gaztambide-Fernández (CTL, Toronto) | Fall 2022 Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series
David Wilson (Geography & GIS, UIUC) | Fall 2022 Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series
Making It Plain: Articulating Our Racist Present
Sharon Holland (Critical Ethnic Studies, UNC-Chapel Hill) | Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series
Therí Pickens (Bates College) | Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series
Curtis Marez (Ethnic Studies, UCSD) | Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series
Katie Chenoweth (French & Italian, Princeton) | Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series
Rob Rushing (Comp. Lit., UIUC) | Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series
Calvin Thomas (English, Georgia State) | Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series
Tim Brennan (Comp. Lit., U of Minnesota) | Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series Fall 2021
Mark Alznauer (Philosophy, Northwestern) | Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series
MCT 2020 Queer Theory Lecture by Sean Metzger (Theater, Film & Television, UCLA)
MCT 2020 Postcolonial Theory Lecture by Jenny Sharpe (English, UCLA)
MCT 2020 Biopolitics Lecture by Alexander G. Weheliye (African American Studies, Northwestern)
Sara Ahmed, "Knocking on the Door: Complaints and Other Stories About Institutions"
MCT 2020 Psychoanalysis Lecture by Lilya Kaganovsky (Slavic/CWL/Cinema & Media Studies, UIUC)
MCT 2020 Structuralism Lecture by Jeffrey T. Martin (Anthropology, UIUC)
MCT 2020 German Idealism Lecture by Lucy Allais (Philosophy, U of Witwatersrand/UC San Diego)
David Scott (Columbia), Nicholson Distinguished Scholar Lecture, February 27, 2020
2019 10 29 Indigenous Studies
2019 9 24 Psychoanalysis by Patricia Gherovici
Michael Dawson (U Chicago), "Race, Capitalism, and the Current Crisis," March 30, 2019.
Ananya Roy (UCLA), Nicholson Distinguished Scholar lecture, "Racial Banishment," March 5, 2019.
2018 10 30 Indigenous Studies
Shona Jackson (Texas A&M) on Postcolonial Theory
2018 3 27 Jodi Melamed lecture
Andrew Leong on "The Future of Queer Theory / The Usure of Modernist Form" (MCT Lecture Series)
Geoffrey Bennington on Derrida and Deconstruction (Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series)
German Idealism - with Helga Varden (philosophy, UIUC) (Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series)
The Post-Digital U-turn - with Lawrence Liang and Nishant Shah
Winter is Coming: The Trump Regime & the American Press - Jay Rosen (New York U)
What's at Stake? Intersectional Conversations in a Post-Truth Era
Algorithmic Being - David Theo Goldberg (Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series)
What is Philosophical Race Theory? - Paul Taylor (Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series)
Networked Urbanism: Geographies of Information - Therese Tierney
Teach-In: Dissent, Democracy and the Crisis of the Indian University (Stand with JNU)
Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series - Eric Calderwood on Postcolonial Theory
Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series - Jodi Byrd on Indigenous Studies
Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series - Kevin Hamilton on Digital Humanities