Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor, Media and Cinema Studies
Professor, Institute of Communications Research
Recent Publications
Hay, J. (2021). Virus government–A twenty-first-century genealogy of the ‘Dusk mask’ as biopolitical technology. Cultural Studies, 35(2-3), 358-369.
Hay, J. (2018). Afterword: The Place of the Audience: Beyond Audience Studies. In J. Hay, L. Grossberg, & E. Wartella (Eds.), The Audience and its Landscape (pp. 359-378). Taylor and Francis.
Hay, J., Grossberg, L., & Wartella, E. (2018). Introduction. In J. Hay, L. Grossberg, & E. Wartella (Eds.), The Audience and its Landscape (pp. 1-5). Taylor and Francis.
Hay, J. W., Grossberg, L., & Wartella, E. (Eds.) (2018). The Audience and Its Landscape. Taylor and Francis.
Hay, J. (2018). The automated states, automated government, and self-automation of the ‘smart’ appliance: three questions about refrigerators. Media International Australia, 166(1), 57-69.